Amazing article. Many post keynesian ideas I stumbled on indirectly, from being unsatisfied with naive supply and demand reasoning. The points about categories of consumption, the existence of needs, the irreversibility of decisions, and demand constrained nature of the economy are critical.
Especially important is the notion of slack, specifically that not all costs scale smoothly. I find that many I have discussed economics with have a really hard time understanding this relatively simple idea, that costs can be stable through a certain range, and then increase rapidly close to the limit. This is in fact extremely common if not virtually universal..
"Allocation of scarce resources" relies on the assumption that "wants are infinite", so that any amount of resources involves some degree of "scarcity".
I want to learn more about Robinson and Kalecki, especially how their growth models differ from the MIT tribe, so this is something I'll be digging into more. Thanks for a well written article.